Discerning Your Best Yes

Do you often feel overwhelmed and bogged down by the day-to-day decisions in your operations? 

Have you said yes to the wrong things that drained your team, resources, and capacity? 

Do you need help discerning the best yeses to make as you lead your team? 

I'm glad you're here! I was in your shoes not too long ago. I made the terrible decision of saying yes to almost everything in my first year in that role because I wanted to take advantage of every opportunity. Little did I know how utterly exhausting that would be and how it would steal the focus from achieving what really mattered (our mission and goals to reach said mission). 

I knew something needed to change so I created this guide to help me. I then shared it with my team to help us make stronger decisions together. It was a game-changer! I hope you find it helpful as you discern your best yeses too!

Download Your Best Yes Guide

Download Your Copy (2)
Whitney Michelle, Founder & CEO of WM Consulting, LLC

Who is WM Consulting?

WM Consulting, LLC is a consulting agency specialized in business operations. We help you identify constraints and create more efficient pathways forward through streamlined operations and processes. 

Our mission is to help you achieve your mission potential by turning your big ideas into actionable tasks that produce tangible results.